Saturday 13 December 2008

Carrying on the Editing(Friday 12th December)

In todays task we were told to carry on the editing which was incomplete from the previous lesson. Dan wasn't in today so Tony took over instead of him. After the advices from Tony about the course we started carrying on the editing.

We putted all our shots in order then checked it if it was okay. We had couple of mistake like when we put the shots together it seems like its just fading to an another shot. So we cutted the little piece of it then we tried to put in the correct order in order to make a successful short film.

After doing all the editing, when we thought it was finished then we founded error on one of the shots. The shot was very long and seem to be boring so we shortened the shot and made it more interesting. After doing all the editing and we thought it was all done, there was one last thing left and that was to find the correct music for this short film. After looking for the right music then we founded a music which really suited to scene and we replaced the music in the scene.

Overall today was really challenging because it was really hard to find a suitable music for the scene but at the end I handled it. The new thing I learnt today was how to put music inside the scene. After watching the scene again with the music on this time, we have uploaded it to the blog.

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