Thursday 5 March 2009

The DEADline(Friday 27TH February)

As we finished most of the parts in our thriller, there was only one major part left and that was to add the right music. I was told by other people that the music takes a lot of time, so I and the group has met at lunchtime and started then. We have put together our soundtracks that we were planning to use and added to the thriller which had effects like heavy breathing, heartbeat etc.

We were looking for the right scream in the programme but we weren't happy with them, so as girls planned they went to the girls toilet and recorded Karess when she was screaming. We have added that sound in our film and it worked out really well.

We were finally finished, saved our soudntracks and added them to the thriller, watched the whole 2 minutes. I was satisfied with the work that was done and happy that it was finished just before the deadline. I think that our group had put a lot of effort in this work we all really worked hard in this project. I am looking forward to watch our thriller in the VUE on Thursday the 12th.

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