Tuesday 10 March 2009


It was the final day of preparing ouR thriller opening and the group and i had only a coUple of hours to nail the sound, this was quite scary and although we didnt want to have to, we had no choice but to rush in order to get the job done in the time we had.
We began by scanning thruough the sounds available and noting down the sounds that we found would work in our scenes we found some good sounds that would work and we began placing them in our scene to see whethr they were really effective.
Luckilly they were and with just a few adjustments to them and adding small sounds to twirk them up just a little bit the job was nearly complete.
We began searching through the sounds to see if we could find the perfect scream which was extremely neccessary to have in our scene but unfortuantely they all sounded quite fake and did not match the sound that would be coming for the hanged lady.
The only way to fix this problem was to record a scream quickly, i came forward and said that i would be willing to scream so the girls and i went to the toilets wihich was the only quiet place nearby at that time and recorded me screaming.
We then added it to the scene and it worked fantastically i was so happy that we where nearly finished all that was left now was to add the prerecorded sound of the location that we shot the footage in over the back to add a great efeect to the film. This was done within minutes and with 30 minutes to spare the thriller opening was finally COMPLETE!!!!!!

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