Monday 26 January 2009

The Pitch(23rd January 2009)

In todays lesson our task was to pitch our ideas to Micky, Dan and Marissa. We were told in the previous to pitch our ideas to the class. As a group each of us had different roles to organise till the presentation. We had concentrated on topics such as :
-The synopsis
-The camerawork
-The lighting
-The music
-The audience
We have all gathered our ideas in the sugar paper then wrote the things we are going to say in a different paper. My role was to concentrate more in the music and the lighting. We were brave enough to be the first group to the presentation and I think the judges were quite pleased with us. The only thing that Dan has pointed at is the lighting because we were thinking about the majorly shooting will be in a dark lighting.
Our thriller is named 'TIED'. The character who will be taking role is myself and Lauren. I will be the killer and Lauren will be the victim. Lauren will be tied in a tree and they will be flashbacks going forward and backward. They will be props such as candles, mask and rope to be used in the scene in order to add more effectiveness and make it more dramatic.

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