Monday 26 January 2009

Thriller Film Preparation- Pitch.

On Friday's lesson, we gathered all of our final ideas for our thriller film, showed eachother our ideas and used all of this to put our pitch together that we showed to 'a panel' and the rest of the class, in the second part of the lesson. We made a spider diagram which included all of our plans for filming and editing. This included the synopsis, camerawork, lighting, jobs for filming and many more. We also brought in a few probs that we are going to use, to give everyone an idea about what to expect from our film. This included the scary white mask that our 'killer' will be wearing, and a few candles to show how we will use lighting to create the mood that we will try to put across.

The title for our film is 'Tied' and this agrees with our plot for our thriller, which uses the main image of the victim being tied to a tree by her hands. Also, we liked this title because it also has the connotation that she is also tied up mentally, and she is entrappred in her situation. We thought this would be a very intruiging title for our film, and would allow us to do alot so that our filming could live up to this connotation too.

Dan gave us permission to do our filming, as our pitch was quite successful, and we will put all of our planning into good use when we start filming in Mary's lesson on Tuesday. We think that we have done enough planning to make sure that everything goes smoothly when we come to film, and we hope that our hard work shines through in our film.

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