Thursday, 15 January 2009

Storyboard Tutorial(Tuesday 12th January)

In today's lesson our task was to create a shot list for the storyboard which we had and the Match Cut Exercise.

We had a story of a guy who chain smokes while copying the confidential files to the computer and plans to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting them. To show this story board we have listed the shot types, angles etc to show it in the storyboard. After doing the task we get to watch the short film they done and we saw our mistakes which we wouldn't of done. After watching the short film we've learnt about a shot called match cut. As we were showned in the short film we had to produce a match cut with story we had being given.

To conclude this, we've done a shot list exercise then learnt the match cut shot. After doing the task we had being given an another task to show if we really can use match cut with the story that was given.

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

Good work so far, Ufuk. Good to see you are taking to the blogging and making regular entries.

You could also comment some more on the current task and the skills that you think you are developing.