Monday 23 February 2009

Analysing previous Thriller clips (Friday 9th January)

In Today’s lesson, (Friday 9th January) we watched several clips from the Thriller movies made last year by the previous AS Media students. The aim of this lesson was to receive ideas on how to construct our own Thriller movies, we were to recognise their mistakes and prevent them from appearing in out own. We were also given a sheet of paper and were told to jot down anything used in the clip that came under the title ‘Mise en scene’. This included the likes of, Costumes, location, props, lighting, special effects, characters and many more important features.

From watching the clips I learnt several things. I learnt that a key element into having a successful Thriller is to seduce the audience into long term commitment, to not give to much information away enabling the audience to want to keep watching in order to find out, what happens next? To keep them questioning and gripped to the screen.
Another thing I learnt was to use your camera shots effectively, an example of this would be an establishing shot, in order to make this shot effective, I would use it at the very beginning of the clip and would perhaps have it from a birds eye view, to show and tell the audience the location, where the following scene, if not the whole film, will be set.

In conclusion watching the past A level students clips was time well spent as I learnt a lot and can take these new skills and place them in to my own Thriller movie clip

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