Monday 23 February 2009

Preliminary match cut task - Filming. (Fri 16th Jan)

In today’s lesson (Friday 16th January) our task was to plan and shoot our ‘Preliminary Match Cut Task’. In doing this we were told to include three specific features which were: Match cuts, a shot/Reverse shot and to keep the 180 degree rule. In order to do this, we were given a storyboard and were to use this to plan out our task. It was on this storyboard where we drew rough sketches of each scene, wrote in the amount of seconds that each scene would take and wrote in any specific dialogue or special effects that were to be used. As a group we decided on a storyline and came to a decision on who was to play what, myself and Ufuk were the two on screen characters where as Karess was managing the camera.

We got given the location of ‘The Store room’ although we were quite unsure at first, we put together our ideas and in all it became the perfect location for us, as it was quiet, small, and had an office theme throughout – perfect. It took us about 30 minutes to complete all the filming; we repeated the same scene quite a few times in order for us to move the camera around from in front of the characters to behind , we done this, so when we were to start editing it would become a match cut. We used a tripod to shoot everything, as we were afraid handheld would have made it too un-easy and perhaps confusing to the audience. We also shot from several different angles and used the function ‘Zoom’ to include close-ups and medium shots of the characters; we used these to help express the characters emotions more fluently to the audience.

After filming we moved to the editing suite where we were to start editing our film clip. At first we split up each of the scenes one by one, we then placed them in order and named them, due to lack of time we saved our progress and decided to continue next lesson.

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