Monday 23 February 2009

Preliminary match cut task - Filming part 2, (Tue 20 Jan)

Today’s Lesson (Tuesday 20th January), We continued Editing our ‘Preliminary Match Cut Task’, this went well, we shortened the clips that needed shorting by cutting off un-necessary footage and made our match-cuts become apparent.
All in all I think we did a good job in completing our Task. We used a wide variety of features including, close-ups, medium shots, extreme close-ups, long shots, we shot from a variety of angles including high angel, low angel and eye level. We also used pans. We used a variety of shots to express the characters emotions, with close-ups and extreme close ups pushing it that further. We used a variety of camera angles effectively as we showed Ufuk, who in the film, has a higher status than me; to show this we had the camera at a high angle shot, looking down on me – making me look weak, whereas we had the camera on Ufuk at a low angle shot – presenting power.
We used pans and match-cut shots to show movement, using these along with the 180 degree rule, made the film all that more clearer to the audience and helped the film easily glide from one scene to another.

From this short filming experience, I have learnt how to use the editing software all that more effectively and am now looking forward to filming and editing our actual Thriller.

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