Wednesday 25 February 2009


We began editing immediately after completitng our film and we new that we had to put our full focus into this as this is where the scene is really created.
The group and i did the editing together and worked excellently as a group as we where able to pick out things that we did not want and what we thought worked well and it was important that everyone shared there opinion and made decisions within the group which would later add a big impact on the work.
The footage came out well and the match cuts definately worked well in the scen but in order for them to be perfected they needed to be edited expertly in order for the several shots used to match. We made sure that this looked good not only to us but others by frequently asking class mates and the teacher to watch the work that we had produced and ask for opinions on any good points and critisism. this enabled us to gain understanding on how to improve the work that we had produced and what elements made it a good scene.
In the little ciritisism that we did recieve there was one in particular that we really wanted to improve and alter and this was where the two characters are talking to one another the footage cuts to show both of there faces but on one of these transactions the lighting changes due to the time of day and although this is not highly noticable the group and i did not want this to be seen in the footage.
Due to i and the groups want of perfection in the footage and spending a long time on othere areas within the scene we had run out of time to change this problem and we where not able to alternate this which showed us that we needed to make time to focus on different areas of the scene and always make sure that we have a planned time to film again if necessary.
Other thn this i do feel that the footage came out okay and it did show the skills that the group and i do have, but due to this minor mistake the group and i felt that this was good but could be better.

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