Monday 23 February 2009

Sound Editing. (Tuesday 6th January)

In today’s Lesson (Tuesday 6th January) we learnt about Sound Layers and how they were put together to make a scene more realistic, exciting and more importantly to attract the audience’s attention and keep them on the edge of their seat. To do this we were given four clips from the film “The Casino Royale 007”. Neither of the four contained sound as we had to do that our selves. At first we were given just a picture and had to imagine what might have been going on; sound wise. We had to place on the different sound layers, for example: I placed Dialogue in front of the two men stood there and I placed the sound of a truck reversing on the truck.

After doing so, we were given an actual scene from the movie, this however contained no sound. We had to add the sound landscape our selves, in order to make the clip more exciting and once again – realistic. As the scene contained lots of action and fast moving vehicles, I added loud fast paced music, as well as the sound effects of ‘skids’ from the tyres of the vehicles and grunting as the characters were in a fight. All in all I didn’t have any difficulties in managing the sound track and thoroughly enjoyed doing so.

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