Tuesday 24 February 2009

Editing stages

Todays lesson, Tuesday 24th February, we continued our thriller film editing because although in workshop on the half term we made alot of progress, there was still a fair amount to do. We finished adding our credits and making a few minor adjustments to our shots that needed little things done to them. Todays lesson taught me how to make text look much more interesting, by using another program on the computer then importing it into our editing program to make the title of our film stand out from the rest of the text that is shown before. This will hopefully make people remember the name of our film and end it dramatically. We learnt how to make our thrillers look a little bit more professional by doing this which I think is a good point for our film.

Our group are meeting up Friday lunch time to get on with the last bits of our editing before our lesson. We still need to add our music and we dont think that Friday afternoon in our lesson, that will allow us to do this in the short time we have. We cant risk not finishing our editing on Fridays lesson because the deadline is at 3pm on Friday. I think that when it is finished our film 'Tied' will look very impressive and I'm looking forward to seeing the final product.

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