Wednesday 25 February 2009


During our previous lesson we had watched numerous openings of filmes hich included Arlington road, Collateral and the shining and we were told to upload one of the several openings onto oour blogs. I chose Arlington Road and now watching it back it has come to my attenetion that there are various techniques within this opening that thrill the viewer and make it extremely successful.
I chose this video as i thought that out of all of the rest this was the most interesting and i remeber thinking at the time there are numerous techniques that the group and i have the ability to use and place into our thriller opening as i feel they would really make the scene so much more interesetig and amazing to watch .
The technique that really showed great effectiveness was the blurry faded affect where the shots where faded and somewhat luminous and faded into the next shot this emphisised the dizziness and confision of both the viewer and character within the scene and created quit e an uneasy atmosphere when watching it and i this in our thriller opening will allow us to really add effect on the viewer and increase the marks that we get.

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